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About Us

Meet The Team

Anne Wuchold Yoga teacher and tour guide of the India yoga trip

Anne Wuchold

Anne's yoga is influenced by the precise alignment of Iyengar, the integral style of Swami Sivananda and the flows of Kali Ray's Triyoga.
Her teaching is always hands on and complemented by elements of Thai massage and the meridians of Chinese medicine for a clearer awareness off the yoga mat.
Anne has lived in Egypt for 4 years and works there as a bodyworker, yoga teacher and freedive instructor. She leads yoga and massage trainings in Germany, accompanies travel groups through India and Egypt, and manages her own two retreat centres in Sardinia.
Anne is a trained actress and her trainings and retreats are therefore always a mixture of healing depth, entertaining lightness and precise technique.
She has been familiar with plant medicine from various traditions for over 10 years.
She trained as a yoga therapist in Kerala, India in 2008. She then worked in a clinic for naturopathy in Tamil Nadu. In 2012 she completed her training as a shiatsu therapist.
In Chiang Mai, Thailand, she learnt from masters of Thai massage such as Ajarn Sinchai, Mama Lek Chayia and Ajarn Pichet. Today she passes on this Eastern knowledge all over the world.

Yoga teacher of the North India yoga trip

Vandana Viola Roeger

Vandana's yoga classes combine flowing TriYoga flows with functional exercises to strengthen and prepare specific areas of the body. TriYoga is gentle, but also very strengthening. The spine is revitalised through undulating movements and a deep connection with the breath. Similar to dolphins, the body glides through the slow and mindful movements and regains more and more of its original flexibility and strength. In this way, yoga becomes a meditative dance in which you can experience and rediscover yourself again and again ... on the way to your inner source of vitality and love.
It is her aim to respond to the individual possibilities and needs of each person and to support you in developing your personalised yoga practice.

Vandana has been teaching since 2009 and is a teacher trainer for TriYoga Basics up to level 3. Further influences come from the BMC, Amerta Movement and her numerous stays in temples in North India since 1999. Her experience from Thai and Ayur Yoga massages flow into her teaching in the form of handson and partner work. Mantra meditation, chanting or singing together round off her classes and can calm your mind or open access to your own emotional space.

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